Tuesday, March 5, 2013

List of Alkalining/Acidifying foods:  http://www.angelfire.com/az/sthurston/acid_alkaline_foods_list.html

Excerpt from below from: http://www.thebestofrawfood.com/alkaline-foods.html

Alkaline foods are foods that raise the the amount of oxygen that your blood takes in. The most alkalizing foods are RAW green leafy vegetables, non-sweet fruits and (wheat) grasses. The opposite of alkaline foods are acid foods.
How much oxygen your blood can absorb is measured on a pH scale that ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 0 is most acidic while a pH of 14 is most alkaline.

The Right Acid - Alkaline Balance

Our blood is in balance when we're slightly alkaline: with a pH of 7.365.
In the beginning of the 20th century, very smart scientists and nobel prize winners made a great discovery. If our blood cannot absorb enough oxygen we get sick: cancer, heart issues, arthritis and candida infections, diabetes are the result. When our pH is too high or too low, we don't feel well, we feel tired, gain weight, have poor digestion and get aches and pains.

Most people in the US and Europe are too acidic: they cannot absorb enough oxygen. That's why cancer, heart disease, arthritis,diabetes are epidemic.
Why are we too acidic? The famous four:
  • Stress;
  • Toxins;
  • Parasites; and
  • The FOOD we eat.

Acid Foods List

It's too bad that the foods we like most make us most acidic and thus sick. What are these food? You guessed right:
  • Junk & Processed foods;
  • Sugar;
  • All animal food (meat, eggs, chicken, fish, lobster, oysters);
  • Grains: (white) wheat, rice, pasta, flour, bread etc.;
  • Some Fruits;
  • Dairy products (milk, cheese, butter);
  • Bad fats;
  • Peanuts, cashews.

Alkaline Foods List

During most of our lives, the majority of the foods we eat are (highly) acidic. These make us sick and tired. By eating raw alkaline foods and drinks, we can help our body to heal it self from most diseases:
  • Vegetables - especially raw green leafy vegetables.
  • Fresh Herbs & Spice - parsley, basil, cilantro, cayenne, ginger;
  • Fruits - watermelon, avocado, cucumber, young coconuts; lemon
  • Wheat grass;
  • Sprouts: i.e. alfalfa, mung bean, broccoli etc.

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