Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Liver Salad - from MyYogaOnline.com

Love Your Liver Salad
By Andrea Potter • April 3rd, 2012

The energetic nature of sprouts are UP and OUT! All the potential life energy of the plant, breaking through the seed's protection. Sprouts are an enormous source of energy! The first spring foods- baby sprouts and quick-growing veggies like radishes help to kick us out of our winter slumber and prepare us for lighter times ahead!

The following are just some of the ingredients used in this Love Your Liver Salad:
Green apples (and the sour flavor) stimulate the gallbladder and cleanse the liver. Green apples are even used as a therapeutic food for breaking up gallstones.
Beets are liver-loving foods too! They are blood cleansers and so help the liver to do its job. Eating them raw gives us more lightness- perfect for spring!
Clear that winter Brain Fog! Flax oil contains omegas 3 and 6- essential nutrients for brain and nervous functioning.

1 bunch radish, 8 small or 3 medium sized.
2 medium beets, peeled
2 carrots
1 green apple
1 handful of sprouts (try alfalfa, broccoli, mung bean, sunflower…)

-Grate or julienne hard veg and apple, mix in sprouts, add desired amount of salad dressing, enjoy!

Essential salad dressing

Lemon- that sour flavour again! See a theme here? Yes, your liver loves lemon too!

1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1/3 cup flax oil
2/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic, grated or minced
pinch chili flakes, cayenne or black pepper (opt)
pinch sea salt

- Put all ingredients into a mason jar.
-Put the lid on tightly and shake before using.
- Keep in the fridge.
-Make small amounts at a time and use quickly.

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